
Event Series Cocktail – For refugees

Cocktail – For refugees

Pand54 Prins Hendrikstraat 54, Eindhoven

COCktail intends to end the isolation of lgbti+ refugees and asylum seekers. We want to introduce lgbti+ persons to the Dutch society and the lgbti+ community in particular. Of course this happens in a fun and safe way. If you would like to participate and join our whatsapp group, please send a mail to

De Roze Leesclub

Pand54 Prins Hendrikstraat 54, Eindhoven

De Roze Leesclub bespreekt de roman 'Joe Speedboot' van Tommy Wieringa (gratis verkrijgbaar bij bibliotheek in het kader van de campagne Heel Nederland leest. Inloop: 19:30 uur.